Saturday, May 16, 2009

Who in your merry merry month of May?

Rob Carrick's column in today's Globe and Mail is altogether Canadian, title allusion and all.

He draws attention to a few 'beautiful losers' (so called because they didn't rise as much as others in the recent rally), Canadian utility stocks that pay good reliable dividends (in the range of 3% - 6% as of the end of the week), are still reasonably priced, and may be worth adding to your portfolio. The list consists of several of the usual suspects: TransCanada, BCE, Fortis, Canadian Utilities, and Telus. And who shall I say is calling?

David Baskin, president of Baskin Financial Services, whom he interviewed, "is highlighting shares like this for conservative clients who are still wary of the markets and might otherwise put their money in bonds and treasury bills." Rob adds, "Share price appreciation is another reason to own stocks like these. Over the past five years, Fortis, Telus and Canadian Utilities have outperformed the S&P/TSX Composite on a cumulative basis." Who for his greed?

Of course, as a general rule (thank you, wise ml), seeing stock advice anywhere is not a prescription for prompt purchase. Check it out yourself first. Also, if the current market correction goes on for a while (or longer), the patient investor may be able to get their pick(s) here at an even better price. In Canada, sit on it over the long weekend. Timing and luck are of the essence... Who by accident?

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